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四九 荒 原





The Master had no use at all for scholarly discourses. He called them “pearls of

“But if they are pearls why do you scorn them?” said the disciples.

“Have you ever known pearls to grow when planted in a field?” was the reply.

四八 反璞歸真









“There are three stages in one’s spiritual development,” said the Master. “The carnal,
the spiritual and the divine.”

“What is the carnal stage?” asked the eager disciples.”

“That’s the stage when trees are seen as trees and mountains as mountains.”

“And the spiritual?”

“That’s when one looks more deeply into things — then trees are no longer trees and
mountains no longer mountains.”

“And the divine?”

“Ah, that’s Enlightenment,” said the Master with a chuckle, “when trees become trees
again and mountains, mountains.”

四七 蒙 昧









A debate raged among the disciples as to which was the most difficult task of all: To
write down what God revealed as Scripture, to understand what God had revealed in
Scripture or to explain Scripture to others after One had understood it.

Said the Master, when asked his opinion, “I kn ow of a more difficult task than any of
those three.”

“What is it?”

“Trying to get you blockheads to see reality as it is.”

四六 和平手段







A snake in the village had bitten so many people that few dared go into the fields.
Such was the Master’s holiness that he was said to have tamed the snake and persuaded it
to practise the discipline of non-violence.

It did not take long for the villagers to discover that the snake had become harmless.
They took to hurling stones at it and dragging it about by its tail.

The badly battered snake crawled into the Master’s house one night to complain. Said
the Master, “Friend, you’ve stopped frightening people — that’s bad!”

“But it was you who taught me to practise the discipline of non-violence!”

“I told you to stop hurting — not to stop hissing!”

四五 逃 避




The Master became a legend in his lifetime. It was said that God once sought his
advice: “I want to play a game of hide-and-seek with humankind. I’ve asked my angels
what the best place is to hide in. Some say the depth of the ocean. Others the top of the
highest mountain. Others still the far side of the moon or a distant star. What do you

Said the Master, “Hide in the human heart. That’s the last place they will think of!”

四四 倚 賴




To a disciple who depended overmuch on books the Master said:

“A man came to the market with a shopping-list and lost it. When to his great joy he
found it again, he read it eagerly, held on to it till he had done his shopping — then threw
it away as a useless scrap of paper.”

四三 生死關頭









Each day the disciple would ask the same question, “How shall I find God?”

And each day he would get the same mysterious answer, “Through desire.”

“But I desire God with all my heart, don’t I? Then why have I not found him?”

One day the Master happened to be bathing in the river with the disciple. He pushed
the man’s head under water and held it there while the poor fellow struggled desperately
to break loose

Next day it was the Master who began the conversation. “Why did you struggle so
when I held your head under water?”

“Because I was gasping for air.”

“When you are given the grace to gasp for God the way you gasped for air you will
have found him.”

四一 媒介




“Why do you need a Master?” asked a visitor of one of the disciples.

“If water must be heated it needs a vessel as an intermediary between the fire and
itself,” was the answer.

四一 盲 從






“May I become your disciple?”

“You are only a disciple because your eyes are closed. The day you open them you
will see there is nothing you can learn from me or anyone.”

“What then is a Master for?’

“To make you see the uselessness of having one.”

四0 門 徒





To a visitor who asked to become his disciple the Master said, “You may live with me
but don’t become my follower.”

‘Whom then shall I follow?”

“No one. The day you follow someone you cease to follow Truth.”