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一六一 愚 昧





On the question of his own enlightenment the Master always remained reticent, even
though the disciples tried every means to get him to talk.

All the information they had on this subject was what the Master once said to his
youngest son who wanted to know what his father felt when he became enlightened. The
answer was, “A fool.”

When the boy asked why the Master had replied. “Well, son, it was like going to great
pains to break into a house by climbing a ladder and smashing a window — and realizing
later that the door of the house was open.”

一六0 莽 撞





The Master always insisted that we must Seam by ourselves — teach ourselves — rather
than depend on other people’s authority. This had its limits, of course, as when a bright
young fellow was convinced he ought to try drugs as a means to mysticism — and “take
the risk, for one can only learn by trial and error.”

That moved the Master to tell the old story of the nail and the screw:

“Here is one way to find out whether what you need in a plank is a nail or a screw:
Drive the nail in. If it splits the plank — you kn ow you needed the screw.”

一五九 沉 着






“Are there ways for gauging one‘s spiritual strength?”


“Give us one.”

“Find out how often you become disturbed in the course of a single day.”

一五七 避重就轻




A visitor narrated the story of a saint who wanting to visit a dying friend and fearing to
travel by night, said to the sun. “In the Name of God stay on in the sky till I reach the
village where my friend lies dying.” And the sun stopped dead in the sky till the holy man
reached the village.

The Master smiled. “Would it not have been better for the holy man to overcome his
fear of travelling by night?” he said.

一五六 自 欺







“How shall we distinguish the true mystic from the false?” asked the disciples who
had an inordinate interest in the occult.

“How do you distinguish the true sleeper from the one who is feigning sleep?” asked
the Master.

“There’s no way. Only the sleeper knows when he is feigning.” said the disciples.

The Master smiled.

Later he said, “The feigning sleeper can delude others — he cannot delude himself.
The false mystic, unfortunately, can delude both others and himself.”

一五五 敬 畏





The Haji who lived at the outskirts of the town was said to perform miracles, so his
home was a centre of pilgrimage for large crowds of sick people.

The Master who was known to be quite uninterested in the miraculous, would never
reply to questions on the Haji.

When asked point blank why he was opposed to miracles, he replied, “How can one be
opposed to what is taking place before one’ s eyes each moment of the day?”

一五四 天 机





The Master once told the story of a priceless antique bowl that fetched a fortune at a
public auction. It had been used by a tramp who ended his days in poverty, quite unaware
of the value of the bowl with which he begged for pennies.

When a disciple asked the Master what the bowl stood for, the Master said, “Your

Asked to elaborate, he said, “AH your attention is focussed on the penny-knowledge
you collect from books and teachers. You would do better to pay attention to the bowl in
which you hold it,”

一五三 非经验



At a discussion on the God experience the Master said. “When God is experienced the
self disappears. So who will do the experiencing?”

“Is the God experience then a non-experience?”

“It is like sleep,” said the Master. “The sleep experience is only known when sleep is

一五二 无常无断








The Master had an allergy for people who protracted their stay at the monastery.
Sooner or later each disciple would hear the difficult words, “The time has come for you
to go. If you do not get away the Spirit will not come.”

What was this ‘Spirit’ one particularly smitten disciple wished to know.

Said the Master.

“Water remains alive and free by flowing.

You will remain alive and free by going.

If you do not get away from me you will stagnate and die — and be contaminated.”