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一七二 無字天書






The Master claimed he had a book that contained everything one could conceivably
know about God.

No one had ever seen the book till a visiting scholar, by dint of persistent entreaty,
wrested it from the Master. He took it home and eagerly opened it — only to find that
every one of its pages was blank.

“But the book says nothing.” wailed the scholar.

“I know,” said the Master contentedly. “But see how much it indicates!”

一七一 天 職







The Master welcomed the advances of technology but was keenly aware of its

When an industrialist asked him what his occupation was, he replied, “I’m in the
people industry.”

“And what, pray, would that be?” said the industrialist.

“Take yourself,” said the Master. “Your efforts produce better things; mine better

To his disciples he later said. “The aim of life is the flowering of persons. Nowadays
people seem concerned mostly with the perfection of things.”

一七0 揭 示




“Does God exist?” said the Master one day. “Yes.” said the disciples in chorus.
“Wrong.” said the Master. “No,” said the disciples. “Wrong again.” said the Master.
“What’s the answer?” asked the disciples. “There is no answer. “ “Why ever not?”

“Because there is no question.” said the Master.

Later he explained: “If you cannot say anything about Him who is beyond thoughts
and words, how can you ask anything about him?”

一六八 差 距



The owner of a "fun park" described his contradictory feelings to the master: whenever children laughed and played joyfully in his park, he often felt deeply troubled.
"Would you rather have the park or the joy?" the master asked.
"I want both," the owner replied.

The master was left speechless.
Later, when someone asked the master about this, he quoted a wanderer's words to a landowner:
"You hold the deed to the land, but others enjoy the earth."

一六七 活於真實






While the Master seemed to relish life and live it to the full he was also known to take
great risks, as when he condemned the tyranny of the government, thereby courting arrest
and death; and when he led a group of his disciples to serve a plague-stricken village.

“The wise have no fear of death.” he would say.

“Why would a man risk his life so easily?” he was once asked.

“Why would a person care so little about a candle being extinguished when day has

一六六 自我空虛





To a disciple who strained after enlightenment till he became physically weak, the
Master said, “A ray of light can be grasped — but not with your hands. Enlightenment can
be attained — but not by your efforts.”

The puzzled disciple said. “But did you not tell me to strive to become empty? That is
what I am attempting to do.”

“So now you are full of effort to be empty!” said the Master through his laughter.

一六五 鳶飛魚躍







“What is the highest act a person can perform?”

“Sitting in meditation.”

“But the Master himself was rarely seen to sit in meditation. He was ceaselessly
engaged in housework and fieldwork, in meeting people and writing books. He even took
up the book-keeping chores of the monastery.

“Why then do you spend all your time in work?”

“When one works one need not cease to sit in meditation.”


一六四 回 歸








“What is the highest act a person can perform?”

“Sitting in meditation.”

‘’Wouldn’t that lead to inaction?”

“It is inaction.”

“Is action then inferior?”

“Inaction gives life to actions. Without it they are dead.”






A journalist one day asked the Master to name one thing that characterises the Modern

The Master unhesitatingly replied, “People every day know more and more about the
Cosmos and less and less about themselves.”

And to an astronomer who held him spellbound with the wonders of modern
astronomy, the Master suddenly said, “Of all the millions of strange objects in the
universe — the black holes and quasars and pulsars — the strangest, unquestionably, is the

一六二 成 長







To a disciple who complained of his limitations, the Master said, “You are limited
indeed. But have you noticed you can do things today that you would have thought
impossible fifteen years ago? What changed?”

“My talents changed.”

“No. You changed.”

‘Isn’t that the same thing?”

“No. You are what you think you are. When your thinking changed, you changed.”