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一九二 随机施教





A visitor who was full of expectations was unimpressed by the commonplace words
the Master addressed to him.

“I came here in quest of a Master.” he said to a disciple. “All I find is a human being
no different from the others.”

Said the disciple, “The Master is a shoemaker with an infinite supply of leather. But he
does the cutting and stitching in accordance with the dimension of your foot. “

 一九一 猜 忌




To a traveller who asked how he could tell a true Master from a false one, the Master
said shortly, “If you are not yourself deceitful you will not be deceived.”

To his disciples the Master later said, “Why do seekers assume that they themselves
are honest and all they need is a test to detect deceit in Masters?”

一九0 寂 灭








“I want to be with God in prayer.”

“What you want is an absurdity.”


“Because whenever you are, God is not: Whenever God is, you are not. So how could
you be with God?”

Later the Master said:

“Seek aloneness. When you are with someone else you are not alone. When you are
with God ‘you are not alone.

The only way to really be with God is to be utterly alone.

Then, hopefully, God will be and you will not.”

一八九 艺 术






“Of what use is a Master?” someone asked.

Said the disciple, “To teach you what you have always known, to show you what you
are always looking at.”

When this confused the visitor, the disciple exclaimed:

“An artist, by his paintings, taught me to see the sunset. The Master, by his teachings,
taught me to see the reality of every moment.”

一八八 无 心





When out on a picnic the Master said. “Do you want to kn ow what the enlightened life
is like? Look at those birds flying over the lake.”

While everyone watched, the Master exclaimed:

“They cast a reflection on the water that they have no awareness of — and the lake has
no attachment to.”

一八七 默 观






The Master would often say that Silence alone brought transformation.

But no one could get him to define what Silence was. When asked he would laugh,
then hold his forefinger up against his tightened lips — which only increased the
bewilderment of his disciples.

One day there was a breakthrough when someone asked. “And how is one to arrive at
this Silence that you speak of?”

The Master said something so simple that his disciples studied his face for a sign that
he might be joking. He wasn’t. He said. “Wherever you may be, look when there is
apparently nothing to see; listen when all is seemingly quiet.”

一八六 显 露











When a new disciple carne to the Master, this is the catechism he was usually
subjected to:

“Do you know the one person who will never abandon you in the whole of your

“Who is it?” “You.”

“And do you know the answer to every question you may have?”

“What is it?” “You.”

“And can you guess the solution to every one of your problems?”

“I give up.” “You.”

一八五 明心见性







The Master was an advocate both of learning and of Wisdom.

“Learning.” he said when asked, “is got by reading books or listening to lectures.”
“And Wisdom?”

“By reading the book that is you.”

He added as an afterthought: “Not an easy task at all, for every minute of the day
brings a new edition of the book!”

一八四 伟 大





“The trouble with the world.” said the Master with a sigh, “is that human beings refuse
to grow up.”

“When can a person be said to have grown up?” asked a disciple.

“On the day he does not need to be lied to about anything.”

一八三 琴瑟合鸣





When a man whose marriage was in trouble sought his advice, the Master said. “You
must leam to listen to your wife.”

The man took this advice to heart and returned after a month to say that he had learnt
to listen to every word his wife was saying.

Said the Master with a smile, “Now go home and listen to every word she isn’t