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二一二 逆 境






“Calamities can bring growth and enlightenment.” said the Master.

And he explained it thus:

Each day a bird would shelter in the withered branches of a tree that stood in the
middle of a vast deserted plain. One day a whirlwind uprooted the tree forcing the poor
bird to fly a hundred miles in search of shelter — till it finally came to a forest of fruit-
laden trees.

二一一 教 育






Suspicious as the Master was of knowledge and learning in matters divine, he never
missed a chance to encourage the arts and sciences and every other form of learning. So it
was no surprise that he readily accepted an invitation to address the University

He arrived an hour ahead of time to wander about the Campus and marvel at the
facilities for learning that were quite non-existent in his own day.

Typically, his Convocation speech lasted less than a minute. He said:

“Laboratories and libraries, halls and porch and arch and learned lectures — all shall
be of no avail if the wise heart and the Seeing Eye are absent.”

二一0 虛 榮








The Master frequently reminded his disciples that holiness, like beauty, is only
genuine when unselfconscious. He loved to quote the verse:

She blooms because she blooms,
the Rose:

Does not ask why.
nor does she preen herself
to catch my eye.

And the saying, “A saint is a saint until he knows that he is one.”

二0九 灑脫自在






In keeping with his doctrine that nothing be taken too seriously, not even his own
teachings, the Master loved to tell this story on himself:

“My very first disciple was so weak that the exercises killed him. My second disciple
drove himself crazy from his earnest practice of the exercises I gave him. My third
disciple dulled his intellect through too much contemplation. But the fourth managed to
keep his sanity.”

“Why was that?” someone would invariably ask.

“Possibly because he was the only one who refused to do the exercises.” The Master’s
words would be drowned in howls of laughter.

二0八 虛 心






A man of spiritual repute came to the Master and said, “I cannot pray, I cannot
understand the scriptures. I cannot do the exercises that I prescribe to others...”

“Then give it all up.” said the Master cheerfully.

“But how can I? I am supposed to be a holy man and have a following in these parts.”

Later the Master said with a sigh: “Holiness today is a name without a reality. It is
only genuine when it is a reality without a name.”

二0七 食 譜






“What is it you seek?” asked the Master of a scholar who came to him for guidance.
“Life.” was the reply.

Said the Master, “If you are to live, words must die.”

When asked later what he meant, he said. “You are lost and forlorn because you dwell
in a world of words. You feed on words you are satisfied with words when what you need
is substance. A menu wilt not satisfy your hunger. A formula will not slake your thirst. “

二0六 拳打太極




To newcomers the Master would say, “Knock and the door will be opened to you.”

To some of them he would later say conspiratorially, “How would you expect the door
to be opened when it has never been shut?”

二0五 共 融







When it was certain that the Master was going to die, his disciples wished to give him
a worthy funeral. The Master heard of this and said, “With the sky and the earth for my
coffin; the sun and moon and stars for my burial regalia; and all creation to escort me to
the grave — could I desire anything more ceremonious and impressive?”

He asked to be left unburied but the disciples wouldn’t hear of it, protesting that he
would be eaten by the animals and birds.

“Then make sure you place my staff near me that I might drive them away.” said the
Master with a smile,

“How would you manage that? You will be unconscious,”

“In which case it will not matter, will it that I be devoured by the birds and beasts.”

二0四 工 具








When a disciple came to take leave of the Master so that he could return to his family
and business, he asked for something to carry away with him.

Said the Master, “Ponder on these things: It is not the fire that is hot, but you who feel
it so.

It is not the eye that sees but you.

It is not the compass that makes the circle but the draughtsman.”

二0三 膽 識




Said a disappointed visitor, “Why has my stay here yielded no fruit?”

“Could it be because you lacked the courage to shake the tree?” said the Master