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一二一 祝 福









A grocer came to the Master in great distress to say that across the way from his shop
they had opened a large chain store that would drive him out of business. His family had
owned his shop for a century — and to lose it now would be his undoing, for there was
nothing else he was skilled at.

Said the Master, “If you fear the owner of the chain store, you will hate him. And
hatred will be your undoing.”

“What shall I do?” said the distraught grocer?

“Each morning walk out of your shop onto the sidewalk and bless your shop, wishing
it prosperity. Then turn to face the chain store and bless it too.”

“What? Bless my competitor and destroyer?”

“Any blessing you give him will rebound to your good. Any evil you wish him will
destroy you.”

After six months the grocer returned to report that he had had to close down his shop
as he had feared, but he was now in charge of the chain store and his affairs were in better
shape than ever before.

一二0 启 示





The monks of a neighbouring monastery asked the Master’s help in a quarrel that had
arisen among them. They had heard the Master say he had a technique that was
guaranteed to bring love and harmony to any group.

On this occasion he revealed it: “Any time you are with anyone or think of anyone you
must say to yourself I am dying and this person too is dying, attempting the while to
experience the truth of the words you are saying. If every one of you agrees to practise
this, bitterness will die out, harmony will arise.”

Having said that, he was gone.

一一九 思 想





“Why are you so wary of thought?” said the philosopher. “Thought is the only way we
have for organizing the world.”

“True. But thought can organize the world so well that you are no longer able to see

To his disciples he later said. “A thought is a screen, not a mirror; that is why you live
in a thought envelope, untouched by Reality.”

一一八 喧 扰





Each day the Master would be inundated with questions that he would reply to
seriously, playfully, gently, firmly.

One disciple always sat through each session in silence.

When someone questioned her about it, she said, “I hardly hear a word he says. I am
too distracted by his silence.”

一一七 佳 运






The Master would frequently assert that holiness was less a matter of what one did
than of what one allowed to happen.

To a group of disciples who had difficulty understanding that, he told the following

There was once a one-legged dragon who said to the centipede. “How do you manage
all those legs? It is all I can do to manage one.”

“To tell you the truth.” said the centipede. “I do not manage them at all.”

一一六 悟 心


“What did Enlightenment bring you?”


“And what is Joy?”

“The realization that when everything is lost you have only lost a toy,”

一一五 身临其境





When the disciples asked for a model of spirituality that they could imitate, all that the
Master said was, “Hush! Listen.”

And as they listened to the sounds of the night outside the monastery, the Master
softly intoned the celebrated haiku:

“Of an early death showing no awareness the cicada sings.”

    一一四 天堂



To a disciple who was obsessed with the thought of life after death, the Master said,
“Why waste a single moment thinking of the hereafter?”

“But is it possible not to?”



“By living in heaven here and now.”

“And where is this heaven?”

“It is here and now.”

一一三 自 然








A lecturer explained how a fraction of the enormous sums spent on arms in the
modem world would solve all the material problems of every member of the human race.

The inevitable reaction of the disciples after the lecture was, “But why are human
beings so stupid?”

“Because,” said the Master solemnly, “people have learnt to read printed books. They
have forgotten the art of reading unprinted ones.”

“Give us an example of an unprinted book.” But the Master wouldn’t give one.

One day in response to their persistence, he said: “The songs of birds, the sounds of
insects are all trumpeting forth the Truth. The grasses and the flowers are all pointing out
the Way. Listen! Look! That is the way to read!”

一一二 入 世




The Master white being gracious to all his disciples, could not conceal his preference
for those who lived in the “world” — the married, the merchants, the farmers — over those
who lived in the monastery.

When he was confronted about this he said, “Spirituality practised in the state of
activity is incomparably superior to that practised in the state of withdrawal.”