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一三一 真 諦






Said a traveller to one of the disciples, “I have travelled a great distance to listen to the
Master but I find his words quite ordinary.”

“Don’t listen to his words. Listen to his message.”

‘How does one do that?”

“Take hold of a sentence that he says. Shake it well till all the words drop off. What is
left will set your heart on fire.”

一三0 言語道斷







“Every word, every image used for God is a distortion more than a description.”

“Then how does one speak of God?”

“Through silence.”

“Why then do you speak in words?”

At that the Master laughed uproariously. He said. “When I speak, you mustn’t listen to
the words, my dear. Listen to the silence.”

一二九 「我是」







“I wish to see God.”

“You are looking at him right now,” said the Master.

“Then why do I not see him?”

“Why does the eye not see itself?” said the Master.

Later the Master explained: “As well ask a knife to cut itself or a tooth to bite itself as
ask that God reveal himself-”

一二八 本來面目















One day the Master asked, “What, in your opinion, is the most important of all
religious questions?”

He got many answers: “Does God exist?” “Who is God?” “What is the path to God?”
“Is there a life after death?”

“No,” said the Master, “The most important question is: “Who am I?”

The disciples got some idea of what he was hinting at when they overheard him
talking to a preacher:

Master: “So then, according to you, when you die your soul will be in heaven?”
Preacher: “Yes.”

Master: “And your body will be in the grave?”

Preacher: “Yes.”

Master: “And where, may I ask, will you be?”

 一二七 方生方死







It was the disciple’s birthday.

“What do you want for a birthday gift?” said the Master.

“Something that would bring me enlightenment,” she said.

The Master smiled. “Tell me, my dear.” he said, “when you were born, did you come
into the world like a star from the sky or out of it like a leaf from a tree?”

All day long she pondered that strange question of the Master. Then she suddenly saw
the answer and fell into Enlightenment.

一二六 無言之教







“What does your Master teach?” asked a visitor.

“Nothing,” said the disciple.

“Then why does he give discourses?”

“He only points the way he teaches nothing.”

The visitor couldn’t make sense out of this, so the disciple made it clearer. “If the
Master were to teach we would make beliefs out of his teachings. The Master is not
concerned with what we believe — only with what we see.”

一二五 信 仰






The Master had quoted Aristotle; “in the quest of truth it would seem better and indeed
necessary to give up what is dearest to us.” And he substituted the word “God” for

Later a disciple said to him, “I am ready, in the quest for God, to give up anything:
wealth, friends, family, country, life itself. What else can a person give up?”

The Master calmly replied, “One’s beliefs about God.”

The disciple went away sad for he clung to his convictions. He feared “ignorance”
more than death.

一二四 信 理




To a visitor who claimed he had no need to search for Truth because he found it in the
beliefs of his religion, the Master said;

“There was once a student who never became a mathematician because he blindly
believed the answers he found at the back of his maths text book — and, ironically, the
answers were correct.”

一二三 痊 癒








To a distressed person who came to him for help, the Master said. “Do you really want
a cure?”

“If I did not would I bother to come to you?”

“Oh yes. Most people do.” “What for?”

“Not for a cure. That’s painful. For relief.”

To his disciples the Master said, “People who want a cure provided they can have it
without pain are like those who favour progress provided they can have it without

一二二 罪




One of the disconcerting — and delightful — teachings of the Master was: God is
closer to sinners than to saints.

This is how he explained it: God in heaven holds each person by a string. When you
sin you cut the string. Then God ties it up again, making a knot — and thereby bringing
you a little closer to him. Again and again your sins cut the string — and with each further
knot God keeps drawing you closer and closer.