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We experienced extreme sorrow through this accident, losing our sister at the best time of her life.
She, our greatest honour, had a far-reaching impact on her family, neighbours, her academic colleagues throughout the country, students and relatives. She was respected and loved by everyone who met her. Our family came here from far away, not only to share sorrow with numerous friends of our sister, but also to share the good memories left by her.
When we met together in sadness and remembrance, we were reminded of your family and prayed for you, because this weekend must be sorrowful and shocking for you.
Anne deeply believed in love and forgiveness. We write this letter to you when you are sad, because we would like to share your sorrow and we wish that you would pray with us for love for one another. At this moment of sadness, Anne must hope that our hearts are filled with sympathy, forgiveness and love. We know that at this only your family can be more sad than we are.
We are willing to bear this sadness with you together, so that we can get comfort and support from each other. Anne must hope so!
Sincerely yours.
Doctor Anne Cleary's brothers,
Frank, Mike and Paul Cleary
誠摯的安.柯萊瑞博士的兄弟們 弗蘭克∕麥克∕保羅.柯萊瑞
Anne Cleary was shot to death by a Chinese student on University of Iowa campus, her brothers wrote this letter to the Chinese student's family. Let's "deeply believed in love and forgiveness".